India is a vast country. It has large population. Most of the people live in villages and live on agriculture or on some crafts. Thus beside cultivators there are many artisans. They follow their ancestral trade. Weavers, potters, smiths and others belong to this class. Thus a large section of the population earn their bread by these handicrafts. Mills and factories can’t supply all the necessities of the people. Hence there is still these artisans. Formerly their tools were crude. Now with the improvements of science and technology better tools and machines have been manufactured for the use of these artisans. With the help of these tools and small machines they can produce more things at a smaller cost and in a shorter time. This is a great advantage. The workers in mills and factories leave their home and come to mill areas. Their mode of living is not healthy. But the artisans of the village live at home and in a better atmosphere. Thus revival of cottage industries will solve the unemployment problem to a large extent. Mills and factories are set up in towns. It is not desirable that all people should flock to the towns for employment in mills and factories. Hence there is a great need of cottage industries in villages. Electricity is now supplying power to the villages. This will be of great help to the artisans for small machines. Rural development benefiting the rural population will bring about the development of India. Hence the Government is keen about improving their lot.
Formerly India was famous for her cottage industries. There were then no mills and factories. The villages had their own artisans- the weavers, potters, carpenters, smiths etc. They produced things which the villagers needed. They were very expert artisans. Their products were excellent. We may mention the muslin of Decca. It was once the wonder of the world. The products of these were also exported to foreign countries. But the cottage industries of our country declined when mills and factories were established in England and other western countries. Things were produced in large quantities in mills and factories very quickly and their prices were also cheaper. Artisans could not compete with them. Besides, the British Government did not help these artisans. This government wanted that British goods should be sold in this country in large quantity. Things have changed since the independence of India. Indian government is now trying to revive the cottage industries of India. It is helping these industries. It has been spending much money for the development of the cottage industries.